2019 for me was a year of change and struggles. I found myself facing deep changes in both my career and my personal life.
I felt trapped, fearing the unknown and unhappy in the current situation. I was going in circle. I reached out to Katharina seeking guidance on what to do. How to get unstuck. In both occasions, subconsciously I wanted someone to tell me what to do. Katharina didn’t do that. She took the time to understand my situation, and to find the coaching tool that would best support me in each occasion. We worked together through the tool, and she guided me to find the path.
Thanks to her huge empathy and ability to put people at ease, I was able to openly talk, share my fears, and find the best solution for myself. Both times I left the session feeling like she gently guided me through my fears, and with huge sense of accomplishment (I knew what to do!) and clarity. Even afterwards, she also kept my accountable, and made sure I followed through. I am extremely grateful for her support patience and empathy.